Sunday morning I was up getting ready for work. The dogs were barking on and off. No big deal, just a little out of the ordinary. Then i heard a thump. Hmmm, then another thump. I looked out my window to see a red blur run past. What the?? A fawn had managed to get into my backyard and was doing it's best impression of a pinball. It was alternately running full force into my house, fence and shed, then dropping to the ground and curling up. I have a 6ft wood fence so the only way it could've gotten back there was to shimmy under in the corner where water runoff has caused a gap. I certainly never thought the gap would be large enough for a deer to get through. WHY would a deer WANT to get through? I had a very short conversation with my sleeping wife. Me: "Babe, there's a deer in our yard!" Her: "Mmmm" Me: "Babe! A deer!" Her: "Grrr, what are you gonna do with it?" Good question. First, I grabbed my camera. I mean, what's a story with no pictures, right? Then I got a comforter and "shooed" it to the side yard. For a minute, there was a standoff. I tried to slowly close the gap between me and Bambi when he charged me. I swooped him up in the comforter as he tried to zip past me and slam into some other immovable object. The fact that I was trying to save him was lost in translation and he kicked the crap out of me repeatedly until I managed to "fold" him up. Now I didn't have any hands to open the gate with. I yelled for my wife. "Babe" nothing "BABE" nothing "BAAAAABE!!!!" She appeared, groggy, unamused and naked. "I need you to open the gate" "I need to go get dressed" "Uh, can you do that after you open the gate? In case you haven't noticed I have a baby deer wrapped up like a Christmas gift in my arms" She begrudgingly opened the gate for me and I carried the little guy into the brush a few dozen yards behind my fence where he played dead for a moment, then took off.

When I got back home, a little out of breath and with adrenaline pumping through my veins I found my wife back in bed, sleeping...