I have mentally written, edited and rewritten countless hilarious blogs, unfortunately I never actually typed any of them up and 2 weeks have slipped away. This blog will be informative but largely uninspired.
Last week Trina was finally weaned off her Z0fran pump and is now tube-free. Gone are the days of yanking catheters out and attempting to walk away from expensive machinery that is attached to one's self. The low level of constant nausea she is left with is much easier to deal with than the violent heaving she started out with. Luckily acid reflux has filled in for some of that missing misery. She's now on both Nex1um and M@lox daily. They take some of the edge off but neither have stopped the occasional burst of acid from reaching the back of her mouth or allowed her to lay down within an hour or more of eating. Speaking of laying down, this is about the only comfortable position she can find. Not just anywhere, in bed with a mountain of pillows and props. Standing for more than a few minutes causes major low back pain and sitting is agonizing for any amount of time. Even laying on the couch has become tedious at best. Her belly is now tight as a drum. It's hard to believe that it will get larger than it already has. With everything she's enduring, I can't imagine how she manages to keep such a cheery disposition. She's such an amazing woman. I'm in awe of her. The only thing she complains about is not being able to feel the babies more often. When she concentrates on her body and wills herself to feel them, all she picks up is her heartbeat thundering louder and louder in her ears. At any given time she can feel it in her fingertips, her scalp, her belly, everywhere. If she sits still, she's gently rocked by the force of it. It's insane. Her pulse raced up to 112 beats a minute the other day just by making a PB&J sandwich. Apparently pumping all that extra blood is quite a job.
We got to see the boys at last Wed's peri appointment. They're perfect in every way. Seeing them on screen is just as fascinating as the first time. They are now measuring 4 days ahead, 2 days ahead and right on schedule, respectively. When the tech put the wand to Trina's belly, a mass of tangled limbs popped into view. I was still trying to make heads or tails when she yelped "Oooh, look!" and zoomed in on Baby A's cherubic face "Wait for it...". I was gazing lovingly when out of the blue a tiny foot came down and kicked him in the head, then again and again. His little noggin rocked from the force of it. The tech giggled and made a comment about how we were going to have our hands full. For nearly the whole scan Babies A & B were trading punches and kicks. Baby C on the other hand was lazily stretched out on the top bunk minding his own business. I wonder how this will all translate outside the womb...
19Week Belly, 42", +20lbs
20 Week Belly, 43", +24lbs
Baby Boy A

Baby Boy B

Baby Boy C