Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Wife is Leaking

We got to see the boys yesterday. They were all moving and dancing around, but I didn't see any overt violence. That's good. I'd hate to have to start disciplining them this early. :) They are getting SO big. Their estimated weights are 14oz, 15oz and 15oz. That puts them 1 day, 3 days and 3 days ahead respectively. Unfortunately our doc didn't send us off with any pictures. :( Usually our tech does most of the measuring and snaps us the good shots, but this time the doc came right in and did everything. Ah well, I know we should be grateful for the stack we have. I know most folks don't get that luxury.

This week has been a big one in the mile stones department. Trina's nipples have begun leaking a clear fluid. Out of nowhere she'll have wet spots on her shirt. It's kind of funny. :) Then last night while standing in line to rent some movies, her eyes got really big and she looked down. I was worried until the smile spread across her face. She always has her hands on her belly and she felt the first tiny kick from the outside. I had my hands on her belly all night and nothing. Then tonight she felt another kick, then another. I put my hand there and sure enough I felt one tiny bump and then one big thump. It was amazing! It was pretty high so I'm assuming it was Baby C. As I'm typing this she's been feeling some kicks low and to the right. I'm not sure if that's Baby A or B. I think it's B, but I guess I'll have to find out the seating order for sure at the next appointment. Wow. Our boys are interacting with us, what a rush.

21 Week Belly, 43", +27lbs


Nicole said...

Wow, that's so great! Maybe not the leaking part, but certainly being able to feel the babies. One sign of all the other amazing things to come.

Laurie said...

Woohoo!! Wait until her belly starts rolling and morphing! Incredible!

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!! I bet you can't keep your hands off her belly... lol

You know what I love the most about this pregnancy? It's that those babies have some of your genetic makeup as well as Trina's. :D

Anonymous said...

How incredibly amazing! Glad to hear the over achievers are measuring ahead and communicating with kicks! So excited for you both.

Kirsten said...

that is so exciting that you're getting to feel your boys move!

H2 said...

Wow that is so exciting. Yay for you to finally be able to feel what Trina feels. I hope we have a similarly wonderful ending to our journey!

Anonymous said...

How amazing.

Joy said...

When I read the title I was worried it was a different kind of leaking. What a great update!

Unknown said...

Came to your story from another blog. SO HAPPY for you guys.

Anonymous said...

How very amazing. I am glad to hear that everything is going so well!!

j.k-c. said...

I started leaking colostrum really, really early, maybe around 16 or 17 weeks. I found that they didn't leak when I wore a supportive bra. Some say it is a signal of good milk production to have early leaking and it was true for me.
So, so exciting to feel those kicks on the outisde. :)

moi + toi PHOTOGRAPHIE said...

that awesome that you got to feel the kicking!!!

LoveDiary said...

hey..i want to say how beautiful you are , and how sweet what your doing .. im a 17 years old lesbian ... me and my wife wish one day we can be just like , 2 mothers ..but its gonna be a long path here .. we face too many obstacles .. the country we live in ,, the people's look .. ahh .you're just so lucky.. may god light your way ..