Trina's cerclage went pretty well. She had 3 days of cramping and spotting, but no major complications. The procedure itself went great. She took the weekend off to recuperate then had to take Mon & Tues off due to severe nausea and vomiting. After a few days of mild issues, Trina's back to full force vomiting and heaving nearly all day every day. She has now busted blood vessels in both eyes, eyelids and cheeks. Our cerclage recheck appointment was supposed to be tomorrow, but the nurse was so worried about the pressure all that retching was having on her newly stitched cervix, that she changed it to today. No complaints here. We wanted to see the babies. They checked for them with the doppler after the procedure, but with 3 how can they be sure they picked up each heartbeat and not just one of them 3 times, ya know?
Today they measured Trina's cervix and it was "good", didn't catch the actual number, though. The babies had their nuchal folds measured and they were all great. They want to see numbers under 2.5 and theirs were 1.1, 1.3 & 1.4. The blood tests that normally go along with that screening are not applicable for triplets. Apparently not enough data has been gathered to determine what are "good results" and what aren't. The babies themselves are growing right on track. Boy A is 13w4d, Baby B is 13w1d and Boy C is 13w3d. Did you catch that gender drop there? That's right, our identicals are boys! Baby B was feeling a bit shy today and wouldn't let the doctor have a good look. She's pretty sure we have 3 boys, but no matter how much she tried to persuade the little one, she couldn't get a definite answer. Perhaps Baby B won't be quite as modest the next time around. Until then, it's a surprise. :)
The doctor has ordered Trina to be on modified bedrest and out of work for good. Trina's job requires her to be on her feet for most of the day and even though she cut her hours down, doc says "no more". She's feeling very protective over Trina's questionable cervical competence and doesn't want anything to compromise it. Secondly she wants the violent retching to stop. The pressure it puts on the cervix is far too great. It also robs Trina and the trips of much needed nutrition, which can be devastating to their growth. She ordered a Z0fran pump that will be delivered by nurse to our home tomorrow. Z0fran pills did nothing for Trina, but apparently sometimes the pump is still the answer. I certainly hope so for all their sakes.
And now for show and tell!
13 Week Belly
Baby Boy A
Baby ?? B
Baby Boy C
Broken capillaries in Trina's eye & cheek from repeated violent heaving. :(