Part One-February: Grey
Trina took these photos last week and I couldn't be more proud. I think she did an amazing job!
Part Two- Surgery Update:
Wednesday the surgeon's people called and said they doubted they'd be able to get him in by the end of the week, hoped they could get him in early the next week and were sure it would be by the end of the next week. This very clear and specific plan was very comforting... Juggling my work schedule, my mom's help and life in general with this vague news left a little to be desired. Then Thursday they called back and said they had a new plan. Sunday we were to call admissions and ask when they could have a bed ready for him on the cardiac floor. We would then go to the ER at that time and hopefully get taken up to his room immediately without having to mingle in the general population for long. They would do all his pre-op stuff upstairs and he would be taken in for surgery 7AM Monday morning. Apparently the CVICU is still full, but they are worried about his worsening symptoms. Yeah, me too... This morning we called in and they told us to have Linus in the ER at 2PM.
Wednesday the surgeon's people called and said they doubted they'd be able to get him in by the end of the week, hoped they could get him in early the next week and were sure it would be by the end of the next week. This very clear and specific plan was very comforting... Juggling my work schedule, my mom's help and life in general with this vague news left a little to be desired. Then Thursday they called back and said they had a new plan. Sunday we were to call admissions and ask when they could have a bed ready for him on the cardiac floor. We would then go to the ER at that time and hopefully get taken up to his room immediately without having to mingle in the general population for long. They would do all his pre-op stuff upstairs and he would be taken in for surgery 7AM Monday morning. Apparently the CVICU is still full, but they are worried about his worsening symptoms. Yeah, me too... This morning we called in and they told us to have Linus in the ER at 2PM.
He had another rough night and slept through his 7AM feed and halfway through his 11AM feed. It's a good thing he has that tube or he'd never get any nutrition. This poor boy has very little energy these days. When he's awake, though, killer charisma. Then it was time. I bathed with him, dressed him in a cute little outfit and kissed him several more times than would be considered "normal" even for me. Trina drove off with him and I was left feeling empty and on the verge of panic. Luckily I have two more precious boys to distract me with their beautiful sparkly eyes and drooly fingers.
He was admitted without incident. They did all of his pre-op testing and sent an IV team with an ultrasound to place his line. They even used a bit of lidocaine before digging around to make it less traumatic on him. Much better than the last experience. He's on the schedule for 7AM tomorrow morning. Trina's spending the night in his room and I'll drive out after Simon & Dexter's 3AM feed. That way I'll miss morning traffic and to be able to spend a little more time with him before they take him away. My mom got in this afternoon and will watch the big boys while Trina and I are at the hospital with Linus. My dad drove in this evening and will be at the hospital with us for support. My stomach and my nerves are shot. I can't believe this is really happening this time...
Part Three-5 Months...Almost
This month's "big thing" was the introduction of the jumperoo. All three of these boys are major fans. I'm constantly amazed at how well they took to them. They play with all of the toys. They push buttons, roll a barrel and can even put the teether-on-a-string in their mouth. We have 2 different brands and Simon loves one while Dexter prefers the other. Simon is a major jumper who goes both up and down and side to side. He gets crazy in there and laughs his butt off. Dexter likes the more stable option and can turn the seat around to look at all the different toys. He studies them all then moves to the next one. Even Linus likes to play in them. He's not as wild as Simon and not quite as attentive as Dex. We still have to put a pillow under his feet so he can reach as he's a bit shorter than his brothers. The other day Simon and Dexter were in the jumpers facing each other and started talking and laughing at each other. This morning Simon and Linus were on the same playmat and Simon was tickled pink to squeal and talk to Linus who steadily ignored him. It was kinda precious. It was so much fun to see them interact so well. They're only now acknowledging each other with any consistency. I sure hope they grow up to be best buds. :)