Monday, October 12, 2009

Beautiful Numbers + EWCM

Trina has had EWCM for 2 days now. This is SO unlike her. Then today we got amazing numbers. She now has 2 great responding follicles on the right side measuring 16.92 & 16.33. She also has 3 so-so follicles on the left measuring 11.8, 12.12 & 13.62. Her estradiol went up to 656. We have another scan and set of blood work scheduled for tomorrow morning at 9am. My guess is we'll be triggering tomorrow night and inseminating Wed and Thurs mornings. So far this cycle Trina's body is doing all the right things. 


Anonymous said...

Everything sounds PERFECT! Best of luck with the upcoming IUI.

K J and the kids said...

Great news. Crossing my fingers

Anonymous said...

sounds great! we have our fingers crossed for you!!!

Mina said...

Good luck!! All sounds promising!

Meredith said...

Sounds like perfection- sending good thoughts your way!

CJ said...

Do you ever feel like you should have your medical degree after this journey?? I know I did! I went from one "woops" pregnancy at nineteen, to infertility issues, to adoption and back!

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am adding you to my daily reads! Hopefully this will be your cycle!!

mama bea, bao in the oven said...

Fantastic! Fingers crossed. Go, Trina's body!

anofferingoflove said...

good luck with the upcoming insems! sounds like trina has some great follies - here's to twins! ;-)