Friday, December 3, 2010

My Little Men

I love these babies more and more each day.
How could I not when they look at me like this?


Anonymous said...

so sweet! thanks for sharing!

Misty said...


K J and the kids said...

SO cute !

LDT: Blog said...

Adorable... Such precious little ones you have.

moi + toi PHOTOGRAPHIE said...

i dont blame you!

Kirsten said...

how do you ever stop kissing those little faces?

A+K said...

what sweetie pies!! So cute!

Lex said...

Okay, you guys must have the cutest babies in the world... they make my heart melt <3


Anonymous said...

Such cuteness! I love seeing your little guys. Congrats on having all three boys at home!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! You can really see in these pics all three of their piercing, beautiful eyes! They are dolls!

Mina said...

Aww, it looks like you have redheads, like my little one! So cute!

Next in Line said...

They are a great little crew.

Sabrina said...

Positively adorable! Absolutely gorgeous, count your blessings, they're adorable! I'm so glad you are all able to be home together, what a wonderful thing!

Stella said...

They are soooooo cute ;-)

laura w said...


RoushMom said...

Wow. So I'm friends with loveplusloveequalsmarriage, and ended up somehow on your page last night. Your family has the most amazing story I have ever read!!!! I was literally riveted, laughing, crying, smiling at the pictures of your beautiful babies. I was up way too late reading and am now typing a hello this morning because I can't stop thinking about what you both have been through in order to have these little miracles in your family. And, I can't wait to read my partner the story of the snake. Snakes are his only phobia and I'm SURE he would have found a reason to stay away and send a friend of his to come deal with it... hahahaha...

You two are most definitely two of the strongest women I have ever heard of. :) And the love in your family is just bursting at the seams. What a beautiful, beautiful story.

Anonymous said...

They are gorgeous! What precious gifts! How thankful are you this holiday season?

Jen said...

They are SOOOOO FREAKIN CUTE!!!! Congrats again to you two!