Wed morning as we drove down to the RE's office, I was still on edge about timing and such. When we got there I asked the Dr if we could check Trina's progesterone to see if she had ovulated overnight. If she had, we'd still do that morning's IUI, but we'd skip Thurs's. He said he was sure our timing for both IUI's was perfect. That her Tues morning LH showed she was "surging" not "surged". He even drew a diagram (I heart diagrams) showing that the LH goes up to 60 or 70 at it's peak. Her LH was only 33 pointing to a true surge scheduled for Tues night. We also triggered Tues night so her body should have all the umph it needed to ovulate all 5 follies. I felt much better and apologized for being such a freak. He waved it off and said if I ever had ANY questions I should ask him. Otherwise how would I learn? Then he flashed me one of his killer smiles. I swear he should patent that thing. I know I've mentioned this before, but I LOVE our RE. :)
Once again both of the IUI's went smoothly. Barely any cramping and no spotting at all this time. Trina's cervix was open for the first IUI but closing or closed for the second. That points to her ovulating sometime between the two. Her temps have been all over the place since we started using FSH, HCG and Progesterone so we no longer have any clues for when she ovulates other than cervical opening. So far I feel really good about this cycle and our chances. I hope I can hold onto this optimism for the next 2 weeks.
Tools of the trade.
Good Luck...I am such a lurker to your blog...fingers crossed and fairy dust sent.
Good luck !
I had the talk with my wife about the cost of all of this trying to conceive stuff. I finally chalked it up to, we'd spend more than this on a car...and a car isn't NEARLY as wonderful and fullfilling as a baby.
By the time we got to IVF....we had spent enough money trying that we could have paid for 2 cycles of IVF. ugh.
Sometimes I wish we would have just jumped. I know you can't because that's silly to assume you will eventually need to...but that's just my perspective on the costs of trying to conceive.
I have a very good feeling about this cycle! cant wait to hear the good news!
I hope this is it for you guys! It sounds very promising :)
sounds like perfect timing - and with 5 follies ready to burst at that! :)
the sperm timer made me laugh out loud - LOVE IT!!
5 folicles and two IUI's at perfect timing! Fingers crossed!
Sounds like a winner to me! Fingers crossed for y'all.
Your RE sounds awesome, and how wonderful that he took the time to explain stuff. Hooray for good docs!
Sounds absolutely perfect!!!
All body parts crossed!
Sounds like wonderful timing to me!! And rock on with the diagram!!!
Everything sounds absolutely perfect for this cycle. Hitting ovulation between insems also sounds promising. Fingers crossed. I cannot wait to hear your great news soon.
really please by the timer.
Good luck!! I know how it feels to wonder about the timing obsessively...well, we're pretty obsessive, anyway. Here's to an easy tww and hopefully a BFP at the end of it!
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