The doctor was surprised at how well Trina was doing. She was expecting to take us to the OR that evening! We were shocked as we were definitely NOT expecting any such thing given Thursday's test results. She complimented Trina on what a great job she's been doing and said she wanted her back at the hospital for another round of preeclampsia testing on Thurs morning. If there were any blips, she'd deliver us before the weekend. She's going out of town for a conference and doesn't want just anyone on call to do the c-section if an emergency arises. She wants to do it herself. If all looks good with the tests, she wanted to deliver us the middle of next week. Trina blurted out "But I wanted to make it til October!". She said "Fine, I'll give you til the first, but I'm not letting you go through another weekend. I want you in testing Thursday and here Monday seeing my associate." So there it is. Friday, October 1, 2010 at 34weeks 4days we will have our baby boys. We only have 2 more appointments before we have babies. One for blood, urine & NST and one for urine & ultrasound. So freaking crazy.
33 Week Belly, 48", +49lbs
Yay congrats Robbie and Trina!!!! How exciting...hope you're ready! Well as ready as us triplet moms can be! Hooray!!!!
Oooohhh......how exciting! I can't wait to see the pictures. Congratulations to Trina for being able to hang on this long. You guys are going to do an awesome job parenting. Now go get some sleep, 'cause with triplets coming, you're gonna need it! :-)
(long time follower, first time comment)
whoo hooo!!! That's so exciting! I can't wait for you to meet your boys! Congrats on making it so far and I will keep praying for low blood pressures and that you guys can make it untill Oct 1st!
thats great ! 34 weeks! she did such a great job.
get ready to be a super busy momma!
Congrats to both of you for getting through the last 33 weeks with such awesome attitudes and extra congrats to Trina for cookin' those babes to 33 1/2 week (so far!). We'll be thinking of you and hoping for Oct. 1 right along with you!
i've been following quietly - whoo hoo! that is just incredible! oct 1 is our target date, too, but we've only got 2 coming! good luck for a healthy week left! :)
That's so awesome! I can't wait!
wow, how exciting!!! trina is a rockstar for making it so far with triplet pregnancy (and requesting to go further than the doc initially suggested!!)
Congratulations! I am so excited for you. And 10.1.10 seems like a great day for 3 little boys to be born.
October 1 sounds perfect!!!!! Congratulations you two.
De-lurking to say YAY! How exciting! Good luck to you both on the big day!
Wow, having a date must seem so intimidating! And exciting, and amazing and overwhelming... :)
Congrats to Trina on holding out for so long.
can't wait to hear how everything else goes!
I found my way to your blog through babycenter and am so excited for you guys! But...can you talk your doc into Sept 30th instead. The boys will celebrate their golden birthdays as 1 year olds...that's not memorable!! If they're born on the 30th, they'll celebrate their golden birthdays on the 30th...and that's awesome!! Just something to think about...
I just think you are the most awesome triplet carrying stud I've ever known. Ok, I've not known personally anyone else...but DAMN girl you rock.
I can't believe she wants to carry that big belly around until October. WOW !
Keep it up girlie and you might just get your wish.
Much better. Good to know that they will be almost fully cooked!
WOW! Best wishes as you round the corner toward the arrival of your family. October 1 is my birthday too!!! Libras rule! :-) GOOD LUCK!
Most excellent! What an exciting time this is!
I am so glad to hear that you're going to make it to 34 weeks! I'm sure you've heard all about how the risks of long-term problems go way down once they hit that milestone, and how awesome you both are for keeping them cooking so long! Congratulations :)
I CAN NOT WAIT to see pictures of those sweet boys and the HUGE smiles on their mommies faces!!! It is going to be an awesome experience!!
AH! So exciting! Best of luck on your first meeting with your boys!!
So incredible excited for you all! 34+ weeks is an astounding accomplishment and October 1st sounds perfect to me. It’s crazy to think in a little over a week you will have three beautiful boys. I can’t wait!
Yippeee! This is exciting news. 10-1-10 makes a great birthday, too. Congratulations on making it so far. Can't wait to see pictures of your three boys next week.
So exciting!! and omg, Trina is amazing for growing and nourishing those boys all this time. I am so impressed. There is no doubt that the two of you will be amazing moms. I can't believe after this long journey, that your three miracles will soon be in your arms!
Trina is a rockstar. Hands down. What a gift she has given these babies! I am so eager to see what these little boys look like! I hope the upcoming appointments are uneventful and the delivery goes smoothly.
I will be thinking of you and shamelessly blog-stalking :)
will be keeping all my fingers crossed - well done so far and keep up the good work! Looking forward to any further (good) news and most of all their cute little faces - enjoy the last days for the two of you in peace and quiet! greetings from far far away belgium
How exciting! Get ready, cause here they come!! :)
Exciting!!! I've been checking in when I can (you'll find out about the "not enough hours in the day" routine) to see how you're both doing!!
Take it easy and enjoy your last week of pregnancy!!
WOW! That is sooo exciting!
Wow! How exciting. Sounds like your adventure is just getting started!
I'm so thrilled for you both! Come on Oct 1st! :)
I cannot get over how great Trina is doing! 34 weeks indeed, with trips. Happy October 1 birthday boys!
Just found this blog & soooooooo happy that I did! Congratulations & have a great week getting excited for your little ones!!! :)
oh my gosh! you're having BABIES THIS WEEK!!! congratulations!
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