After our "Breast Feeding For Multiples", class I started thinking about inducing lactation. There are several reasons why I considered it. Firstly, it would solve the "more babies than boobs" issue and hopefully provide enough breast milk that formula supplementation could be avoided or kept to a minimum. Also, being able to take over some of the feeds when I'm home will give Trina some much needed breaks. It would give me another way to bond with the boys and help ensure that they each get enough skin to skin time. We don't want them shorted just because they out number us. All in all it seemed like a good idea so we contacted the lactation consultants at our hospital. They gave us some advice and are very supportive of our plan. They even offered to go talk to the NICU when the boys are born to make sure they understand our situation and accommodate us in every way.
About a month ago I started taking herbs 3x a day, began using a hospital grade breast pump every 2 hours when I was home and awake (3-5 times a day) and ordered
domperidone. I added the dom to my protocol 2 weeks ago when it came in. I've only gotten some clear fluid here and there with no particular rhyme or reason. Until tonight that is. About an hour ago I got my first drop of real milk! Yes, it was only a drop, but I'm very excited that I managed to start producing "something" before the boys got here. :)
Wow!! That is SO awesome!! I love that you are doing this. Breastfeeding is one of the most amazing things I've ever done. Congrats on your first drop of milk!!
That is so fantastic!!! I never even thought of that, what a great idea! Keep up the good work and here are to milky days ahead!!!
Congrats on the milk! I remember that feeling! Holy cow! I didn't know my body could do THAT!! :)
That is totally great! I can't believe your boys will be here so soon. They are so lucky to have two moms that care so much!
That's fantastic! Go milk!!!
That is going to be sooo great!! And Trina may be surprised by how much milk she does get. My surro triplets are a month old now and haven't caught up to me just yet!! I guess the body knows when you are having more than one, so it produces a heck of a lot more!! I definitely feel like the dairy lady =) Keep on pumping!!
awww this is so sweet and perfect timing!
that is the coolest thing ever! those boys are so darn lucky to have two moms! :D
Simply amazing girls !
Wow good luck with the breastfeeding, I love feeding my little lad and yes it will help you bond so much!
I love his expression when he is feeding.
great idea!!
You are giving me such hope! I am still waiting for my Dom but now that I see your success I will pull out the pump today.
So, so cool!
I hope that when S has our second child that I will be able to induce lactation (since I've already breast fed and was a great milk producer I'm hoping it won't be too hard) and help with feedings too!
oh wow, that is awesome! congrats on that first, precious drop! :D
That is fantastic! When my daughter was little, I often thought about how nice it would have been to have an extra set of boobs around so mine could take a break. Ha! Be proud of that first drop! It will happen pretty fast now, I bet.
Ok did I read this right? You are going to breast feed and you weren't pregnant?
How incredible exciting and what a wonderful way to be even more connected to these little boys! You’re getting so close now.
that is amazing!!!! you go, milkin mama! :) :)
Congratulations to the both of you! I've also considered inducing lactation when R gives birth, but not so much for supplementing her milk supply as for the bonding experience. It's encouraging to hear that this may be working for you. We're thinking of you and sending lots of good energy your way for tomorrow! You'll both be amazing!
Congrats! That's so great.
Holy moley that's awesome!! I was just reading another blog where they did that. Good luck!!!
very cool.
That's wonderful! I have trouble making enough milk too, and always have to take Dom for the first 2 months or so to get a good supply going. I think it's great that you will have lots of milk for them! Yeah! Just a warning, you might want to put some pads into your bra at night because about 5 days into Dom for the first time, I exploded milk all over myself and our bed in my sleep. It was an awful wet mess at 3:30AM.
I think what you're doing is awesome! I also induced lacation with dom and the herbs when my wife had our daughter. It is alot of work and get yourself a supplimenter from the hospital or llc as you probably won't make enough to do a full feed for quite a while but keep at it and it will all be worth it. I BF our daughter until she was 6 months but always had to use the supplimenter with my wifes pumped breast milk for about half of what she would eat but it was all worth it seeing her look up into my eyes while she ate. Good Luck with it all and Congratulations on the trips
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